FO-PIDS | Best Security System for warehouse

Warehouse security is one of the most essential things that warehouse owners should take care of as there are many challenges warehouses are facing, and one of the most important challenges is the exposure of those warehouses to intrusion activities, which may result in huge losses, and in the recent period, warehouse thefts are frequent. Therefore, warehouse security has become of great importance. In this article, we will show you the best way that help warehouse theft prevention.

To achieve the best warehouse security, you first need to make sure that you can detect any intrusion activity happening nearby. Instead of waiting for an inventory check to verify if any theft has taken place you can catch the intruder earlier with the help of the FO-PIDS system.

Stop the Intrusion Activities
To stop the intrusion activities, it is best if a real-time monitoring system gets implemented around the perimeter so that if anyone can try to do trespassing, it will generate real-time alarms. Fiber Optic technology-based perimeter intrusion detection systems are highly designed to enhance the layer of security by providing real-time monitoring.

It is not possible to secure the larger perimeters in an ethenic way. Something extraordinary is always required which can tell you the location where the intrusion is happening. FO-PIDS is a zone-based system that tells you in which zone the intrusion activity is happening so that without wasting the time one can reach the location and catch the intruder.

There are many other advantages of using the FO-PIDS system such as:

  1. It is an alarm based system that generates the alarm as the intruder approaches near the perimeter.
  1. It can get integrated with third party devices like cameras,lights etc
  2. Integration with GSM module is possible
  3. Different types of deployment are possible
  4. After the system installation, less or no maintenance is required to remain optimal performance
  5. Plug & Play Installation

Learn more in detail about Fiber Optic Perimeter Intrusion Detection System by visiting our products page.