Fiber Bragg Grating
Based Sensors
FBGS is a Germany/Belgium based engineer and maker of high quality Fiber Bragg Gratings (FBGs), Interrogators, Sensors, and uniquely crafted fiber optic detecting arrangements. FBGS has created two extraordinary and completely robotized creation measures for FBGs which bring about exceptionally high caliber and savvy detecting parts with special optical and mechanical attributes. FBGS’s items are appropriate for both norm and bespoke applications in enterprises, for example, clinical, composite, transport, measure, common and geo, telecom and R&D. FBGS supplies ‘Draw Tower Gratings’ – DTG® and ‘Femto Second Gratings’ – FSG® as an OEM part and our items would find in numerous applications and items created by our clients around the world.

FBGS understands the interconnectibility and need of human mind to be connected with each other which led to the rapid development of increasing need for various sensing solutions. Allowing to measuring a variety of parameters in a broad range of applications. The shortcomings and drawbacks of existing systems paved the way for new developments. Optical fibers are light weight, passive and unobtrusive sensing wires with a thickness comparable to a human hair. Sensing features can be tailored to the needs of the application and the unprecedented multiplexing capabilities allows to move away from traditional discrete measurement points to continuous measurements visualizing strain and temperature gradients, pressure, multi-directional force, curvature and shape information.
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FBGS has unique capabilities, there product helps in measuring various fiber optic security features.
Fiber Optic Security Features
Unique combination of FBG production processes: Draw Tower Gratings (DTG), FemtoSecond Gratings (FSG) with own FBG Interrogator platform
Exclusive IP access to Ormocer coating for fiber sensing applications (Fraunhofer ISC), License for production of FSG gratings
Experience and access to broad platform of different Interrogator technologies (long term exclusivity agreements)
Deep Application know how and vertical integration : Fiber Design - Sensor Design - Interrogator Systems - Software and Connectivity - Qualification and Testing - Volume Production
Strong innovation funnel via strategic collaboration with universities and research institutes (Ugent, VUB, IPHT,...)
ISO 9001 compliant fiber and grating production capabilities for standard and customized solutions
Broad network of sub-contractors (sensor housings; protective jackets; special connectors; cables, etc,...)
Product Specifications

Draw Tower Gratings

We offer three types of DTG® with unique characteristics compared to classically produced FBGs, such as extremely high breaking-strength, spliceless array configuration and uniform coating coverage. FBG parameters and coating material can be selected based on customer needs.
Femto Second Gratings

The featured FemtoSecond Grating (FSG®) is a uniform apodized grating fabricated with ultra-short laser pulses, using a special through-the-coating inscription technique. The inscribed FSG® maintains the pristine high strength of the optical fiber and adds new performance features.
All Grating Fibers

The All Grating Fiber (AGF®) is an optical fiber containing densely spaced low reflective (R<0.1%) Draw Tower Gratings (DTG®s). The spatial separation from the center to center can be as small as 10mm and the FBG length can be chosen such that more than 95% of the fiber contains gratings.

Optical fiber sensors present undeniable advantages such as high fatigue limits, multiplexing and immunity to electromagnetic interferences. With our variety of high quality Fiber Bragg Grating sensors you are able to measure strain, force, temperature, pressure and shape.
Measurement devices

We offer dynamic, high precision measurement devices for Fiber Bragg Grating (FBG) sensors. Available with different numbers of optical channels it allows our customers to measure strain, force, temperature, pressure and shape. Each measurement device comes with a software.
Applications Areas
Strain , temperature, pressure and shape sensing in flexible risers, pipelines and turbines.
Investigations during product design and development with fiber optic sensors.
Force and shape sensing for medical catheters and robotic surgery.
Process Industry
Temperature sensing in steel
Structural monitoring and fire protection in aircrafts, axle counting in ground transportation
Asaphalt, bridge, dam and concrete monitoring using fiber optic sensors.
Fiber tagging, optical network monitoring and enhanced backscatter fibers.